
   北京东方大学是1984年经北京市教委批准创建的一所具有高教学质量,良好社会声誉的全日制多科性民办高等院校。中国创办最早的民办大学之一。1993年为北京市首批文凭考试试点院校。北京市教育委员会2001年教育教学工作综合评估中认定的首批24所合格院校之一,2004年被北京市民政局、人事局、社团办等单位评为 “北京市先进民间组织”,2005年度被教育部中央教科所教育与人力资源研究部评为“人民满意的民办大学”。
  学校现有国际商学院、国际物流学院、旅游文化学院、现代艺术学院、计算机学院 、建筑工程学院、文法学院、外国语学院、国际语言文化学院、继续教育学院,共60多个专业方向。教学、生活设施完善,实行严格管理,为学生提供全方位服务。现有在校专、本科学生3600多人,教学实力、毕业证书取证率居民办高校前列。
  学校领导体制健全,实行理事会领导下的校长负责制。规章制度齐全,管理规范有序。学校领导班子成员符合上级规定的任职条件。校长李冠英, 1960年毕业于中国人民大学哲学系,后留校任教,取得教授职称。长期从事哲学研究和教育科学研究,近年来着重探索中国民办教育发展规律。1993年获国务院颁发的在高等教育事业上有突出贡献证书和终身政府特殊津贴。1997年4月任北京东方大学校长至今。持有民办高校校长岗位资格证书。


Beijing Oriental University

  Beijing Oriental University was established in 1984. It is a multi-faculty independent university on a full time basis. In 2001, it one of the first group
of24 independent universities in Beijing passed the quality validation by Beijing Educational Bureau among some one hundred independent universities and colleges in Beijing. Professor Li Guanying is the president of the University, who used to be
a professor of China People `s University.
  Beijing Oriental University lies in Beijing Haidian District which has various institutions of higher learning and is famous for its cultural cradle and high technology; it is also beside of The Summer Palace and Bai Wang Hill Forest Park.
It has good atmosphere and clear river, the traffic is very convenient.
  Beijing Oriental University has Business School, International Logistic College, Modern Art College, Airline Service College, International Training College and Computer, Architecture, Tourism, Foreign Language, Law and Sectary, Chinese Medical Departments, totally more than 50 majors, and there are more than 2000 fulltime students in the University. At present, Oriental University has possessed a group of full-time and part-time teachers; there are 70 full and associate professors. The University has its own campus and equipped with living facilities.
  Out motto is: "To teach students with moralities, and to run the university according to the law"; "all for students". We emphasise "honesty, diligence, truthfulness, and action". In the last two years, the pass rates of our students for National Exams for Diploma are in the No.1 and No.2 among all independent universities in Beijing. The majority of our graduates have found jobs in Beijing.
  In recent years, Beijing Oriental University has carried out many forms of cultural and academic exchanges with many colleges and universities in the US, UK, Canada, Japan, Australia, and Singapore. We are jointly running international courses. BOU is setting up a new campus for 8000-10,000 students.

Address: Liangjiadian, Yongfeng Zhonglu, Haidian Distrcit, Beijing 100094
Tel: 0532-83151659

5. 从北京南站乘特5路车到西苑,转乘716、718、651路至亮甲店站。
6. 北京图书馆乘716路亮甲店站下车即到。
7. 北京大学东门或清华大学西门乘716路亮甲店站下车即到.

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